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We have lots of tips today for everyone manning

by:Bless Garment     2020-06-04
Check The Local Weather Before you get in the car or step on the plane, check what the weather is going to be like at the convention location. April in Wisconsin is not the same as April in Arizona, so pack your clothes accordingly. Don't forget to pack an umbrella, especially if you have to walk very far to get to the convention hall. The last thing you want is to show up to your trade show booths soaked and miserable before the day even gets started. Dress In Layers At Trade Show Booths Dressing in light layers is a great way to stay comfortable when the temperature varies throughout the day. It is also great for staying warm or cool as your activity level demands. For example, when you start constructing trade show displays, you may warm up very quickly and even perspire. Then later in the day as you wait for visitors to show up at the booth and the air conditioning kicks in, you might find that you are chilly again. Cardigans, jackets, and sweaters can be worn over lighter layers so that you stay the perfect temperature all day long. Wear Comfortable Clothes Dress as comfortably as you possibly can while maintaining the level of professionalism your job or industry demands. Avoid high heels and scratchy materials that will become unbearable as the day progresses. Khakis and logoed tops can be a great way to stay comfortable and yet still represent your company professionally. Wear Comfortable Shoes You are going to be on your feet all day long, so wear shoes with comfort soles and cushioned socks. Blisters and pinched toes are big no-nos. People with sore feet tend to get pretty cranky, and your visitors will not appreciate it if you are in a sour mood when you greet them. It's also very unprofessional to take your shoes off while you work at the event, so polish up your best pair of comfortable shoes ahead of time. This is not a time for excessive vanity. Wear A Nametag We can't forget to remind you how important it is to wear your nametag and other conference credentials. In some cases, your name badge is your ticket to the event, and without it, security won't let you inside. In addition to that, it's a good idea to let visitors at your trade show exhibits see clearly who you are and what company you are representing. Stay comfortable all day long by taking our wardrobe advice. You and your trade show displays' visitors will both appreciate it!
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