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Battlestar Gallactica is one of the most intriguing

by:Bless Garment     2020-06-11
1. John Cavil - This Cylon clergy is a master of manipulation, so who better to imitate on Halloween? Cavil is the ultimate 'man' in black with a long sleeved button-down military style shirt, a long sleeve stretch black turtleneck, and black chino pants. A dark brown fedora will make the look complete. 2. Kara Thrace - 'Starbuck' - Starbuck is a character that is impossible to ignore; she is known for her highly developed skill as a Viper pilot, which lead to her nickname. This costume features a grey and black sleeveless muscle shirt, faux leather pants, and the Battlestar Galactica necklace, While an approximation of this outfit can be put together, it may be best to go with a commercially available ensemble which is readily available online. Starbuck is a great choice for any woman who likes to spend Halloween in 'battle' mode and doesn't want to spend a lot of time getting dolled up. 3. Lee Adama - 'Apollo' - The Apollo costume is similar to Starbuck's costume, only it is made for men instead of women. It is also an easy costume to find online. While the design is simple, any fellow Battlestar Galactica fan will get a sense of who you are, as well as your mission. With a strong moral compass, Apollo is the son of Admiral Adama and is willing to make whatever sacrifices are necessary to do the right thing. 4. Admiral Adama - For the dignified gentleman, Admiral William 'Husker' Adama is the way to go for your Halloween costume. While this costume is not as readily available at online costume websites, it is possible to get the Admiral's special edition military blue uniform direct from Anovos has an agreement to work with the tailors that worked on the TV series to make this costume truly authentic. The Duty Blue costume features red and gold piping. Uniforms can also be customized with Admiral rank pins or flight wing pins. Although this costume is as close to the real things as you will get, it carries a hefty $1500 price tag. A more economical option may be to modify a Civil War union general costume to fit the Battlestar Galactica theme 5. Number Six - Feeling confident about your great figure? Heading to the Halloween party as the Cylon Number Six may be a great way to show your stuff. Number Six may be pretty, but she isn't nice, and has been known to use her beauty as a weapon. Number Six has been seen on the show as either a blonde or brunette, and dark figure flattering pants along with a tank top -- and a bit of weapon provisions is the perfect way to pay homage to this Cylon. 6. Galen Tyrol - 'Chief' - Despite the fancy title, Chief is among the most down to earth and loyal characters on Battlestar Galactica. As a casual guy, Galen looks comfortable in his green fatigues as he's ready to come to his men's defense at a moment's notice. If you're looking to keep someone feeling secure, the Chief is your costume of choice. 7. Number Two Leoben - Standard Green fatigues, tan fatigues or orange utility jumpsuit is a great starting point for your Number Two Leoben costume. Although he dresses a lot like Chief, don't let him fool you. Number Two has a knack for prophecy, as well as manipulation. You'll keep the party on their toes with this costume. With the exception of Apollo ,Starbuck and the very official Admiral costume, it can be difficult to find official Battlestar Galactica costumes online. However, with proper planning and a little imagination, fans of the series, movie or video game should be able to put together an authentic costume for Halloween that is sure to be the beginning of a cosmic evening. ------ Matthew Kiddman is an avid gaming enthusiast and sci-fi fan. Matthew's gaming interests are mainly space strategy games like Battlestar Galactica Online.
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