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Novelty ties can be real crowd pleasers. It can

by:Bless Garment     2020-06-19
Job Interviews Job interviews are all about making the right first impression. Although appearances aren't everything, they still play a factor in whether you get employed or not. Employers want to know that you are serious about the job, and a novelty tie might indicate otherwise. It is wiser to keep this type of tie in the closet for a while and just break it out during special occasions such as casual office parties and events. Business Meetings Novelty ties are great ways to get the conversation going, but not during business meetings. An air of professionalism is expected from everyone who attends these meetings, so a novelty tie might make business partners doubt your credibility and competence. Unless the tie is an integral part of the presentation you'd be making, it's highly suggested to stick to the more conservative ties for these encounters. Formal Gatherings Formal occasions like black-tie parties and weddings are also not places for novelty ties. For one thing, there are usually strict dress codes for these gatherings that guests have to follow. If you wear this type of tie to one of these events, there's a chance that you won't be admitted in, so it's better to be safe than sorry. Funerals Most people in funerals would not appreciate novelty ties because they take it as a sign of disrespect, an insult to the solemnity of the situation. That's why it's never a good idea to wear these accessories to wakes and funerals, unless the tie had special meaning for the deceased. When deciding whether to wear a novelty tie to a particular occasion, try to judge how the people around you would react to your fashion choice. Would they be amused or would they be offended? Such is the risk of wearing novelty ties, and being aware of this can keep you from making costly fashion decisions in the future.
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