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There is a question going around about where a

by:Bless Garment     2020-06-03
A Cowboy Hat can be worn in a car, well maybe not in a Prius if it is a 10 gallon hat and you are over 6 feet tall. It can be worn while seated at a Bar; this is not against proper etiquette to do so. A Cowboy Hat can be worn on a date, and it can even be worn while on roller skates. Yes this is true, I have seen this done before while in Texas. Now days I have even heard of Cowboy Hats being worn for weddings. Yes this includes the bride and groom, maid of honor, best man, bride's maids, and men of honor. This may sound odd, only to individuals that don't appreciate country living. You can wear it out to dinner, and you can even wear your hat to church. You can wear it to a golf tournament, and if you would like you can even wear your hat while playing in a golf tournament. There is most certainly nothing wrong with wearing your Cowboy Hat to a dance. And you are certainly not out of line with wearing it for romance. You can wear it while shopping at the mall; you can also wear it while out strolling with your best friends and all. You can wear your hat to a movie, or you can wear it while starring in a Movie. You can wear it to formal after five (5) occasions, or you can wear your hat to a rodeo. You can wear your hat to the horse races, or you can wear it to a barbecue at the park. You can wear it while gambling in Las Vegas or you can wear it while in the process of earning your wages. As we all know you can wear it while out on the ranch doing your daily work. And we also know you can wear it while doing the flip side of that, nothing. Now while all of this may be true, one can wear their Cowboy Hat just about anywhere they choose, the material your hat is made of, and the exercise of proper etiquette cannot be overlooked while exercising your right to wear your Cowboy Hat. After all, etiquette is so very important in determining what is proper to do, and not to do, when wearing your Cowboy Hat.
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